The Decision Amending the Decision on the Pricing of Medicinal Products for Human Use ("Amendment Decision") was published in the Official Gazette dated 23.07.2023.
With the Amendment Decision, two provisional articles (Provisional Article 8 and Provisional Article 9) were added to the Decision on the Pricing of Medicinal Products for Human Use.
With Provisional Article 8,
- The active substance(s) which are not derived from human blood or plasma but whose production process includes blood components derived from human blood or plasma; and
- Products that were priced as blood products until the entry into force of this provisional Article 8, but whose blood product status was terminated as of December 31, 2023 in accordance with the provisions of the Regulation on the Licensing of Medicinal Products for Human Use published in the Official Gazette dated 11.12.2021 and which need to obtain an immunological medicinal product license and in fact will no longer be priced as blood products after 31.12.2023 are included in the scope.
- These products are mainly used in organ transplantation and will continue to be priced as blood products after 31.12.2023, even if they are switched to immunological medicinal product status, depending on the provisional Article 8.
With Provisional Article 9, the value of 1 (one) Euro in Turkish Lira to be used in the pricing of medicinal products for human use was increased by 30.5% in July 2023 and set as 14.0387 TRY.
You can access the Amending Decision from this link (in Turkish).