The Decision on the Amendment of the Decision on Pricing of Medicinal Products for Human Use (“Amendment Decision”) has been published in the Official Gazette dated 14.03.2022.
The significant increases and changes implemented by the Amendment Decision, which will enter into force on 25.12.2023, are explained below.
Warehouse and pharmacist profit rates to be applied for the determination of retail sale prices of the products and price thresholds have been re-determined as follows:
With the Amendment Decision, a new subparagraph has been added to Article 3 of the Decision on the Pricing of Medicinal Products for Human Use. With this paragraph, it is regulated that the Price Evaluation Commission may convene upon the invitation of the Turkish Medicines and Medical Devices Agency and take ex officio decisions in case of supply problems that affect or are foreseen to affect the normal life activities of the entire or certain groups of the society in order to ensure sustainable health service delivery.
Lastly, by the Amendment Decision, the value of 1 (one) Euro in Turkish Lira to be used in the pricing of medicinal products for human use was increased by 25% in December 2023 and set as 17.5483 TRY.