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With Presidential Decree No. 177 (“Decree”), published in the Official Gazette dated 08.01.2025 and numbered 32776, the Cyber Security Presidency (“Presidency”) has been established under the Presidency of the Republic. With the establishment of the Presidency, it is aimed to create a more effective structure in the field of cyber security at both national and international levels.

Within this framework, in Article 4/1 of the Decree, the duties and powers of the Presidency are stipulated as follows:

  • Determining the policies, strategies, and objectives for ensuring cyber security, preparing action plans, carrying out legislative work, coordinating relevant activities, and monitoring their effective implementation,

  • Conducting awareness, training, and consciousness-raising activities concerning cyber security,

  • Carrying out projects that support cyber security and information security,

  • Undertaking efforts to increase cooperation in the field of cyber security among the public sector, private sector, and universities,

  • Conducting activities for developing the cyber security ecosystem, domestic and national products and technologies, and enabling local entrepreneurs to become competitive in the global market,

  • Conducting R&D and technology transfer in areas needed for cyber security,

  • Carrying out activities to encourage participation in exercises, events, and fairs related to cyber security held domestically or internationally,

  • Conducting efforts to detect cyber security vulnerabilities,

  • Determining priority cyber security areas in order to direct capacity in the field of cyber security to critical areas and prevent duplicate investments,

  • Developing cyber security emergency and crisis management plans and establishing joint operation centers within the framework of these plans,

  • Providing opinions regarding incentives to be granted by public institutions and organizations in the field of cyber security,

  • Performing other duties assigned by legislation.

In view of the increasing significance of cyber security, the establishment of the Presidency under the Presidency of the Republic is considered an important step. However, it is expected that the regulations to be put into effect in the upcoming period and the planned activities to be carried out will bring new compliance obligations for various real and legal persons.

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