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The Regulation on the Provision of Remote Health Services (“Regulation”) has been published in the Official Gazette dated 10 February 2022 and entered into force. Which subjects are regulated by the Regulation is summarized below.

The Regulation, whose ultimate goal is introduced as the “supply of health services independent of place and geography and based on the technology”, primarily regulates the technical conditions and liabilities regarding the software through which remote health services will be provided as well as the list of the health services that can be provided remotely and official authorization processes.

Following articles of the Regulation covers issues such as informing the patients about the nature and carrying out of the remote health services, authentication, information provision liability of the parties taking remote health service to the healthcare professionals, protection of personal data, records regarding works and transactions carried out within the scope of the remote health services and notifications made to the Ministry of Health.

Furthermore, the Regulation also imposes some prohibitions and restrictions regarding the supply of remote health services and it also regulates that the health institutions and organizations holding health tourism authorization certificates can provide remote health service as per the relevant legislation and within the scope of international health tourism and tourist health.

Finally, it has been made obligatory for the health institutions and organizations that provide remote health services to obtain a remote health service authorization within six months at the latest as of the publication date of the Regulation.

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