The Turkish Competition Authority ("TCA") announced on its website on 30 March 2023 that the Final Report on Türkiye Fast Moving Consumer Goods Retail Market Sector Inquiry (“Final Report”) has been published. Within this scope, previously the Preliminary Report on Türkiye Fast Moving Consumer Goods Retail Market Sector Inquiry was also publicly shared on 5 February 2021.
As is known, the fast-moving consumer goods (“FMCG”) retail sector was made subject to many scrutinies and investigations by the TCA in recent years.
Especially, the following subjects have been covered in the Final Report:
General structure and functioning of the market
Concentrations within the sector, mergers and acquisitions notification thresholds for the retail sector
Undertakings operating in the retail market and effects of their supply market power on the sector
Effects of abuse of buyer power on the competition
Solution proposals for the removal of possible abuses of buyer power
Digitalization trend and rate in the sector, consideration of the market effect of digitalization in the competition law analysis
Some elements that may negatively affect the competitive structure of the sector
Evaluations regarding the unfair commercial practices, firm behaviors that may mislead the consumers, production of special grammage products and making new shop opening conditional upon the population criteria
You can access the Final Report from this link (in Turkish).